Wednesday, March 7, 2018

My Fitness Journey

My Fitness Journey

My fitness journey began in 2006.  In the beginning, my obsession with staying skinny caused me to become self-conscious.  I lacked any confidence in myself and frequently used the cardio machines to maintain my appearance.  My diet and caloric intake at the time was terrible.  I also felt very intimidated in the weight room because I was unfamiliar on how to use the machines at the gym.  However, after I attended a fitness expo, I met with many fitness models and experts that inspired and motivated me to change my lifestyle and become healthier in the process.  I used many resources available on the internet to learn about proper nutrition and exercises in the weight room.  Two years later, my life changed completely.  I was no longer afraid of gaining weight.  I gained a total of 10 pounds.  I felt confident and overall happiness.  Fitness has become a very important part of my life.  Through my healthy lifestyle, I discovered my true self and fitness has improved my life in many ways.  

1. intimidated- frighten or overawe(someone)
2. self-conscious- embarrassed of one's appearance
3. appearance- the way that someone or something looks
4. motivated- provide with a reason for doing something
5. exercise- activity requiring physical effort
6. confidence- self-assurance
7. improved- make or become better

Vocabulary Exercise: Matching- Draw a line from the definition to the correct word.  

______  make or become better                                           A. improved

______ embarrassed of one's appearance                              B. appearance

______ self-assurance                                                          C. intimidated

______ fright or overawe (someone)                                     D. exercise

______ activity requiring physical effort                               E. motivated

______ the way someone or something looks                         F. self-conscious

______ provide with a reason for doing something                 G. confidence

Grammar Point: Verbs in the past tense.  Verbs are words that describe an action.  

Grammar Assignment: In the reading above, there are several verbs.  Write four sentences using at least three verbs in the past tense.  


  1. Very cool! Thanks for sharing this. I recently started focusing on my fitness as well. It's amazing how small changes can make such a huge impact on your overall health and well-being. I like your simple definitions in your vocabulary section. Definitely accessible for all learners.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this entry because as you saw on my blog I am into fitness as well! Nutrition and fitness are both super important and making changes certainly helps your life improve. I like your choice of vocabulary words and I think that ELL learners could relate to the words and use them in their current situation while learning. As we know acquiring a new language can be intimidating and it takes motivation and confidence within the learner! Great job!
