Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Pura Vida

My Trip to Costa Rica

A few summers ago, I booked a trip to Costa Rica and traveled to one of the most beautiful and adventurous places in the world.  This country is well known for its tours and adrenaline-pumping activities. I traveled with my sisters and stayed in the rain forest where we had a once in a lifetime experience.  We went on a four hour zip-lining tour that offered us a unique view of many gorgeous creatures such as lizards, monkeys, toucans and birds.  At night, we witnessed the Arenal Volcano eruption.  It was an amazing view!  I also really enjoyed cliff diving.  I was very afraid at first but I knew I was going to be upset therefore, I jumped.  We also went to the Costa Rica's Arenal Hot Springs.  Hot Spring are volcanic springs that are heated underground and offer the chance for people to relax and enjoy the scenery.  I highly recommend anyone wanting to travel to Costa Rica.  It was one of the adventurous and fun-filled vacations.  I will definitely be going back. 

1. adventurous: willing to take risks
2. tour: a journey for pleasure
3. adrenaline: a hormone produced by the body
4. rain forest: a luxuriant tropical area with heavy rainfall
5. zip-line: an inclined cable or rope with a suspended harness
6. volcano: a mountain in which lava and rock fragments are erupted from the earth's crust
7. cliff-diving: diving into water from a steep cliff
8. Hot Springs: naturally hot water heated by a volcano

Vocabulary Exercise: Draw a line from the definition to the correct word.

______ a journey for pleasure                                                  a. Hot springs

______ a mountain in which lava & fragments                       b. zip-line
are erupted from the earth's crust

______ willing to take risks                                                     c. cliff-diving

______ a hormone produced by the body                                d. volcano

______a luxuriant tropical area with heavy rainfall                 e. adventurous

______ diving into water from a steep cliff                             f. tour

______ an inclined cable/rope with a suspended harness        g. adrenaline

______ naturally hot water heated by a volcano                     h. rain forest

Grammar Point: Verbs in the Past Tense.  The past tense expresses something that has happened or a state that previously existed. 

Grammar Assignment: In the reading above, there are several verbs in the past tense.  Write five sentences using at least verbs in the past tense. 


  1. This sounds like an awesome vacation! I would love to go zip lining one day, especially in a rain forest! I could only imagine how incredible the views were! I like how you give plenty of past tense examples in your writing to model how to write a sentence using at least verbs in the past tense. It's a great model to help guide students.

  2. Costa Rica sounds so beautiful, and your activities there were very challenging indeed! I haven't seen a volcano close up yet, but I think it would be fascinating.

    Your vocabulary and grammar activities are good. I was wondering if there were some way to convey the idea of adrenaline-pumping and also what a hormone is. What do you think?
