Tuesday, March 13, 2018

A New Member of the Pack

A New Member of the Pack

Bringing a new dog into the pack can cause your current pet stress, jealousy and aggravation.  When I first adopted Abby, a Teacup Yorkie, it was heartbreaking to see the abuse she had suffered.  She was neglected in many ways and distrustful of people.  She was very sensitive and afraid to go near my family.  Fortunately, I had experience rescuing animals therefore, I knew it was going to take a lot of patience and dedication to nurse her back to health.  My first challenge was introducing her to Duke; my dog at the time.  Duke immediately welcomed her into the pack and helped her overcome her fear of people.  It amazing to see how she grew from such a traumatic experience and is a happy and playful dog.

1. pack- a group of dogs
2. jealousy- feeling jealous
3. suffered- an unpleasant experience
4. abuse- cruel and violent treatment
5. rescue- save
6. overcome- success in dealing with a problem
7. playful- fond of games

Vocabulary Exercise: define the following words

1. jealousy: _______________________________

2. playful: ________________________________

3. pack: __________________________________

4. overcome: ______________________________

5. suffered: _______________________________

6. abuse: _________________________________

7. rescue: _________________________________

Grammar Point: Adjectives

Adjectives are words that modify or describe a noun. 

Grammar Exercise: In the reading above, there are several adjectives.  Write a description of your favorite animal and use at least 3 adjectives to describe the animal.  You must write at least 4 sentences. 

Rescuing Tigers and Kangaroos
Tigers are one of the most endangered species on the planet.  Tigers are known as the largest members of the cat family.  They are strong and majestic creatures.  About five years ago, I was given the opportunity of a lifetime.  I was asked to rescue tiger cubs and kangaroos through a sanctuary located in Florida.  Many of these endangered animals are abandoned and live in horrible conditions.  I was very motivated and eager to learn.  In addition, I rescued two beautiful Bengal tiger cubs, Tasha and Stripes.  The two tiger cubs were abandoned by their mother and were a few days away from death.  They were about a month old and needed special attention and medical care.  I spent many sleepless nights feeding them from a bottle and learned many different techniques to meet their needs.  I learned that it was very important to use the correct sized nipples for the cubs and to feed them with the bottle at an angle.  This prevented the cubs from drinking the bottle too fast and getting milk into their lungs.  One of the tigers, Tasha, was very unique because she enjoyed holding the bottle with her paws and drinking it until she was finished.  On the other hand, Stripes required a lot of patience.  She was very playful and took a longer time to feed.  A month later, the cubs reached a healthy weight and were ready to be sent to their new home in Florida.  Although I was happy that I helped the tigers, I was very sad to say good-bye.  I really enjoyed this experience and learned a great deal of information about these endangered species.  Also, I hope to rescue other animals in the near future.    

1. endangered- threaten with extinction 
2. species- a group of closely related organisms that are very similar to each other
3. rescue- save
4. Tiger- a very large solitary cat
5. sanctuary- a sacred place
6. abandoned- deserted
7. cub- the young of certain animals 
8. feed- to give food
9. prevented- to keep from occurring 

Vocabulary Exercise: Define the following words

1. rescue:  ___________________________

2. Tiger:    ___________________________

3. endangered: ________________________

4. sanctuary: __________________________

5. feed: ______________________________

6. abandoned: _________________________

7. cub: _______________________________

8. species: ____________________________

9. prevented: __________________________

Grammar Point: Nouns are words that describe people, places, things and ideas.  There are two types of nouns- proper nouns and count nouns. Proper nouns name a person, place or thing.  For instance, Laura, Juan and Outback Steakhouse.  Count nouns are nouns that are countable (ex: cubs). 

Grammar Exercise: In the reading above, there are several nouns. Write a list of 10 proper nouns and 10 count nouns.  You may use some of the nouns above however, you must include at least 4 of your own nouns. 

Proper Nouns                                                    Count Nouns

1. Florida                                                           1. cubs

Pura Vida

My Trip to Costa Rica

A few summers ago, I booked a trip to Costa Rica and traveled to one of the most beautiful and adventurous places in the world.  This country is well known for its tours and adrenaline-pumping activities. I traveled with my sisters and stayed in the rain forest where we had a once in a lifetime experience.  We went on a four hour zip-lining tour that offered us a unique view of many gorgeous creatures such as lizards, monkeys, toucans and birds.  At night, we witnessed the Arenal Volcano eruption.  It was an amazing view!  I also really enjoyed cliff diving.  I was very afraid at first but I knew I was going to be upset therefore, I jumped.  We also went to the Costa Rica's Arenal Hot Springs.  Hot Spring are volcanic springs that are heated underground and offer the chance for people to relax and enjoy the scenery.  I highly recommend anyone wanting to travel to Costa Rica.  It was one of the adventurous and fun-filled vacations.  I will definitely be going back. 

1. adventurous: willing to take risks
2. tour: a journey for pleasure
3. adrenaline: a hormone produced by the body
4. rain forest: a luxuriant tropical area with heavy rainfall
5. zip-line: an inclined cable or rope with a suspended harness
6. volcano: a mountain in which lava and rock fragments are erupted from the earth's crust
7. cliff-diving: diving into water from a steep cliff
8. Hot Springs: naturally hot water heated by a volcano

Vocabulary Exercise: Draw a line from the definition to the correct word.

______ a journey for pleasure                                                  a. Hot springs

______ a mountain in which lava & fragments                       b. zip-line
are erupted from the earth's crust

______ willing to take risks                                                     c. cliff-diving

______ a hormone produced by the body                                d. volcano

______a luxuriant tropical area with heavy rainfall                 e. adventurous

______ diving into water from a steep cliff                             f. tour

______ an inclined cable/rope with a suspended harness        g. adrenaline

______ naturally hot water heated by a volcano                     h. rain forest

Grammar Point: Verbs in the Past Tense.  The past tense expresses something that has happened or a state that previously existed. 

Grammar Assignment: In the reading above, there are several verbs in the past tense.  Write five sentences using at least verbs in the past tense. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

My Fitness Journey

My Fitness Journey

My fitness journey began in 2006.  In the beginning, my obsession with staying skinny caused me to become self-conscious.  I lacked any confidence in myself and frequently used the cardio machines to maintain my appearance.  My diet and caloric intake at the time was terrible.  I also felt very intimidated in the weight room because I was unfamiliar on how to use the machines at the gym.  However, after I attended a fitness expo, I met with many fitness models and experts that inspired and motivated me to change my lifestyle and become healthier in the process.  I used many resources available on the internet to learn about proper nutrition and exercises in the weight room.  Two years later, my life changed completely.  I was no longer afraid of gaining weight.  I gained a total of 10 pounds.  I felt confident and overall happiness.  Fitness has become a very important part of my life.  Through my healthy lifestyle, I discovered my true self and fitness has improved my life in many ways.  

1. intimidated- frighten or overawe(someone)
2. self-conscious- embarrassed of one's appearance
3. appearance- the way that someone or something looks
4. motivated- provide with a reason for doing something
5. exercise- activity requiring physical effort
6. confidence- self-assurance
7. improved- make or become better

Vocabulary Exercise: Matching- Draw a line from the definition to the correct word.  

______  make or become better                                           A. improved

______ embarrassed of one's appearance                              B. appearance

______ self-assurance                                                          C. intimidated

______ fright or overawe (someone)                                     D. exercise

______ activity requiring physical effort                               E. motivated

______ the way someone or something looks                         F. self-conscious

______ provide with a reason for doing something                 G. confidence

Grammar Point: Verbs in the past tense.  Verbs are words that describe an action.  

Grammar Assignment: In the reading above, there are several verbs.  Write four sentences using at least three verbs in the past tense.  

Meet the Breeds

Meet the Breeds
Last year, I had the opportunity to attend the "Meet the Breeds" event at New York City's Javits Center.  If you're a dog lover like me, this was certainly an unforgettable experience.  For nearly five hours, I met and played with over 100 different breeds of dogs and cats.  The dogs were very sweet and affectionate and seemed to enjoy all the attention they received from people around them.  Most of the dogs were decked out for the holidays, but what really caught my eye was the colorful and creative booths.  I also learned about different breeds such as the Puli.  I loved this breed because their hair looks like super long dreadlocks hanging down the sides which resemble a mop.  I had the best time at the show and won a lot of free treats and food for my pets.  

1. unforgettable- impossible to forget
2. event- a social event
3. experience- an event which leaves an impression on someone
4. decked out- to be dressed in something special
5. dreadlocks- a Rastafarian hairstyle twisted into tight braids
6. affectionate- expressing fondness

Vocabulary Exercise: Fill-in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word. 
1.  The Meet the Breeds event was an _______________ experience. 
2. The dogs were _____________________ in colorful costumes. 
3. I attended the __________at New York City's Javits Center. 
4. This was the greatest __________________ of my life. 
5. The dogs were very sweet and _____________________.  
6. His hair looked like super long ___________________.  

Grammar Point: Nouns are words that describe a person, place, thing or idea.  There are also two types of nouns- proper nouns and count nouns.  Proper nouns name a person, place or thing such as Boston, Carla, and Carnegie Hall.  Count nouns refer to something that is countable such as a dog, apple or book.  

Grammar Exercise: In the reading, there are several nouns. Write a list of proper nouns and count nouns on the lines below.  

Proper Nouns                                                                             Count Nouns
________________________                                       _________________________

________________________                                       _________________________

________________________                                       _________________________

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Man's Best Friend

Man's Best Friend
Dogs have been man's best friend for a very long time.  They provide friendship, unconditional love, happiness and loyalty.  People and their canine companions develop a strong and inseparable bond.  When my family and I adopted our first dog, Duke, it was one of the most exciting moments of my life.  Duke was very energetic, sweet and playful.  He and I shared many wonderful memories together.  We also traveled to many places in the world such as Canada, Florida, Colombia and Peru.  He was always full of life and put a smile on my face.  Duke was truly a gift that changed my life and brought me happiness and gratitude. He taught me responsibility, patience and discipline.  Unfortunately, two months before his 16th birthday Duke was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.  I was devastated and angry because I was about to lose my best friend.  A month later my family and I made the decision to put him down.  It was the hardest moment of my life.  I will always cherish the wonderful memories I spent with Duke.  

1. friendship (noun): a relationship between friends
2. loyal (adjective): giving constant support
3. canine (noun): relating to or resembling a dog or dogs
4. inseparable (adjective): a person or thing unable to separate
5. adopt (verb): legally take and bring it up as one's own
6. devastated : cause someone severe and overwhelming shock or grief 

Vocabulary Exercise: Fill-in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word.

1. The girl was ____________________ when she lost her dog.
2. She formed a close _________________ with her dog. 
3. Dog's are very ____________ companions.
4. There are many people eager to ___________a dog.
5 & 6.  She adopted her __________ companion a few months ago and they formed an ______________bond.

Grammar Point: Adjectives
Adjectives are words that modify nouns.  In the reading above, there are several adjectives.  Write three sentences about your pet or canine companion and use the adjectives from the paragraph above.