Sunday, March 4, 2018

Man's Best Friend

Man's Best Friend
Dogs have been man's best friend for a very long time.  They provide friendship, unconditional love, happiness and loyalty.  People and their canine companions develop a strong and inseparable bond.  When my family and I adopted our first dog, Duke, it was one of the most exciting moments of my life.  Duke was very energetic, sweet and playful.  He and I shared many wonderful memories together.  We also traveled to many places in the world such as Canada, Florida, Colombia and Peru.  He was always full of life and put a smile on my face.  Duke was truly a gift that changed my life and brought me happiness and gratitude. He taught me responsibility, patience and discipline.  Unfortunately, two months before his 16th birthday Duke was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.  I was devastated and angry because I was about to lose my best friend.  A month later my family and I made the decision to put him down.  It was the hardest moment of my life.  I will always cherish the wonderful memories I spent with Duke.  

1. friendship (noun): a relationship between friends
2. loyal (adjective): giving constant support
3. canine (noun): relating to or resembling a dog or dogs
4. inseparable (adjective): a person or thing unable to separate
5. adopt (verb): legally take and bring it up as one's own
6. devastated : cause someone severe and overwhelming shock or grief 

Vocabulary Exercise: Fill-in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word.

1. The girl was ____________________ when she lost her dog.
2. She formed a close _________________ with her dog. 
3. Dog's are very ____________ companions.
4. There are many people eager to ___________a dog.
5 & 6.  She adopted her __________ companion a few months ago and they formed an ______________bond.

Grammar Point: Adjectives
Adjectives are words that modify nouns.  In the reading above, there are several adjectives.  Write three sentences about your pet or canine companion and use the adjectives from the paragraph above.  

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about your dog Duke. It is hard to see other people and animals suffer.
    Good entry all around!
